

    2019-12-01 22:13:34           浏览数:0

















  4、国家自然科学基金青年基金项目,310801457,LED光调控西兰花芽苗菜萝卜硫素富集机制研究, 2019/01-2021/12、25万、在研、参与、3/8。




  目前主要从事益生菌的开发及机理研究;食品发酵技术与食品质量安全检测;食品中有害物质的脱除及机理研究。先后在《Journal of Hazardous Materials》、《Food Research International》、《Food Chemistry》、《Journal of Alloys and Compounds》、《Bioresource Technology》、《Journal of Functional Materials》、《中国食品学报》、《食品科技》等重要学术刊物发表学术研究论文70余篇。其中SCI 23篇。第一作者(通讯作者)文章累计影响因子79.28。第一位编写益生菌学术专著1部,第一位获得与益生菌及ACE抑制肽的国内外专利7项。获省部及以上科技奖励4项。主持完成了1项2016度国家自然基金青年基金项目“具有katA基因的乳酸菌株对肉制品的发色机理研究”,主持完成了2019度山东省重点研发计划(医用食品专项计划),“食源性ACE抑制肽活性的高通量快速检测关键技术研究”。作为主要参与人参与完成了2019度国家自然基金“LED光调控西兰花芽苗菜萝卜硫素富集机制研究”,参与完成了2016度山东省自然科学基金“ZnSO4胁迫下Ca2+调控西兰花芽苗菜萝卜硫苷代谢机理研究”,参与完成了2013度国家自然基金项目“等离子体降解黄曲霉毒素的效果与机理研究”、2009度山东省自然基金项目“PLGA包被鱼类淋巴囊肿病病毒核酸疫苗纳米胶囊的研制及牙鲆口服免疫效果研究”及2009度山东省自然基金项目“等离子处理果蔬中残留农药降解的机理与效果研究”。参与1项国家重点研发计划项目“生鲜食用农产品水活度和微生物调控品质劣变机理”。


  [1] Zhu Yinglian*,  Xu Yuning, Yang Qingli. Antifungal properties and AFB1 detoxification activity of a new strain of Lactobacillus plantarum. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2021, 125569.(一区,影响因子14.224

  [2] Zhang, Shuang, Xu,Zhiqiang, Zheng, Wenbin, Pan Qiang*,  Zhu, Yinglian*(通讯作者). Effect of multi-mode sweep frequency ultrasound pretreatment on properties of the zeins and ACE inhibitory peptides activity of the hydrolysates. Food Chemistry, 2023, 407:135126. (一区,影响因子9.231

  [3] Xu Zhiqiang.; Yang Qingli.; Zhu Yinglian*(通讯作者). Transcriptome analysis reveals the molecular mechanisms of the novel Lactobacillus pentosuspentocin against Bacillus cereus. Food Research International, 2022, 151:110840.(一区,影响因子7.425

  [4] Zhu Yinglian.*, Guo Liping., Yang Qingli.* Partial replacement of nitrite with a novel probiotic Lactobacillus plantarum on nitrate, color, biogenic amines and gel properties of Chinese fermented sausages. Food Research International, 2020, 137: 109351. (二区,影响因子6.475)

  [5] Xu Yuning, Zhu Yinglian*(通讯作者). Complete Replacement of Nitrite with a Lactobacillus fermentum on the Quality and Safety of Chinese Fermented Sausages. Frontiers in Microbiology, 2021,2185.(二区,影响因子5.640

   [6] Zhu Yinglian.*, Yang Qingli. Isolation of antibacterial, nitrosylmyoglobin forming lactic acid bacteria and their potential use in meat processing. Frontiers in Microbiology, 2020, 11: 1315. (二区,影响因子5.640

   [7] Zhu Yinglian.*, Zhang Shuang. Antibacterial activity and mechanism of lacidophilin From Lactobacillus pentosus against Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli. Frontiers in Microbiology, 2020, 11: 582349. (二区,影响因子5.640).

  [8] Zhu Yinglian.*, Guo Liping., Tang Wengting., Yang Qqingli. Beneficial effects of Jerusalem artichoke powder and olive oil as animal fat replacers and natural healthy compound sources in Harbin dry sausages. Poultry Science, 2020, 99(12): 7147-7158.二区,影响因子3.352

  [9] Xu Zhiqiang, Wang Jungong, Zheng Wenbin, Zhao Shang, Yang Qingli, Yu Dongxing, Zhu Yinglian*(通讯作者). Antibacterial activity and mechanism of a novel bacteriocin produced by Lactiplantibacillus plantarum against Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus[J]. International Journal of Food Science & Technology, 2022, 58(1): 181-193.(三区,影响因子3.612

  [10] Zhu Yinglian.*, Wang Peng, Guo Liping, Wang Jun, Han Rongwei, Sun Jingxin, Yang Qingli. Effects of partial replacement of sodium nitrite with Lactobacillus pentosus inoculation on quality of fermented sausages. Journal of Food Processing and Preservation, 2019, 43(5), e13932.

  [11] Zhu Yinglian, Wang Fengwu, & Guo Liping. Effect of jasmonic acid on glucosinolate metabolism in different organs of broccoli sprouts. Emirates Journal of Food and Agriculture.2019, 31(2): 81-87.

  [12] Zhu Yinglian, Wang Dongfeng. Rapid Detection of Enterobacter Sakazakii in milk Powder using amino modified chitosan immunomagnetic beads. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2016, 93: 615-622.

  [13] Zhu Yinglian, Li Chunsheng, Xu Ying, Wang* Dongfeng. Ultrasonic-assisted synthesis of aqueous CdTe/CdS QDs in salt water bath heating. Journal of Alloys & Compounds, 2014, 608:141-147.

  [14] Guo Liping., Zhu Yinglian, & Wang Fengwu. Calcium sulfate treatment enhances bioactive compounds and antioxidant capacity in broccoli sprouts during growth and storage. Postharvest biology and technology, 2018,139:12-19.

  [15] Guo Lingping, Sun Yongcai., Zhu Yinglian, Wang Baowei., Xu Lin., Huang Ming, Li yufeng & Sun, Jingxin. (2020). The antibacterial mechanism of ultrasound in combination with sodium hypochlorite in the control of Escherichia coli. Food Research International, 129, 108887.

  [16] Li Chunsheng, Jiang Wei, Ma Ning, Zhu Yinglian, Dong Xiaoyan, Wang Dongfeng, Meng Xianghong, Xu Ying. Bioaccumulation of cadmium by growing Zygosaccharomyces rouxii and Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Bioresource Technology,2014, 155: 116 (SCI 影响因子 4.9169)

   [17] Guo Liping, Yu Bing, Wang Shuling, Zhu Yinglian, Li Peng, Wang Baowei, Huang Ming & Sun Jingxin *. Effect of ripening with Penicillium roqueforti on texture, microstructure, water distribution and volatiles of chicken breast meat. International Journal of Food Science & Technology, 2019,54(5), 1550-1557.

  [18] Yin Hua, Hao Junguang, Zhu Yinglian, Li Yan, Wang Fengwu and Deng Yang. Thermosonication and inactivation of viable putative non-culturable Lactobacillus acetotolerans in beer. Journal of the Institute of Brewing, 2019,125(1), 75-82.

   [19] Li Yan, Xu Wei, Zhu Yinglian, Li Chunsheng, Wang Dongfeng. The hydrolysis effect on phosphoester bond by chitosan Ce(IV) complexes, Journal of Functional Materials,2015,(24):24057-24062. (EI)

  [20]朱英莲,徐莹,汪东风. 免疫磁性壳聚糖微球的制备及对阪崎肠杆菌的分离效果[J]. 中国食品学报,2016,(09):95-100. (EI)

  [21]朱英莲,李沛瑶. 戊糖乳杆菌替代亚硝酸盐发色效果的研究[J]. 食品科技,2014,05:120-124.

  [22]朱英莲,郭丽萍. 发酵乳杆菌和戊糖乳杆菌降解亚硝酸盐的效果比较研究[J]. 食品科技,2014,07:22-25.

  [23]朱英莲. 低度芋头酒清汁发酵生产工艺研究[J]. 食品科技,2015,01:51-53.

  [24]朱英莲. 无亚硝酸盐低温植物乳杆菌香肠的研制[J]. 中国酿造,2013,01:168-172.

  [25]朱英莲. 纤维素酶法提取菠萝皮渣多糖生产工艺研究[J]. 中国食品添加剂,2014,05:114-118.



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